The Phoenix I Fence Post System: Simple, Effective, Value.



After decades of removing concrete foundations to replace broken and rotted fence posts, the Phoenix team has designed an elegant, yet simple solution to fence post installation and removal.


With the Phoenix I Fence Post Holder you can install the last concrete foundation you’ll ever need. Phoenix Fence Post Systems was established in 2018 to address the problem of broken fence post removal. Scott, an actual rocket scientist, and Chad, a nuclear engineer, decided to tackle the broken fence post removal problem.

Anyone who has ever had to replace a broken fence post has probably thought, ‘there has to be a better way to do this.’ Well, there is and we are here to show you!

Headquartered in Littleton, CO, we look forward to helping you with this simple method of installing your fence post that enables easy post removal or replacement.



The Phoenix I fence post system is a patented yet simple post holder design that allows secure post installation and also enables easy post extraction when removal or replacement is necessary.

The design involves installing the Phoenix I post holder into the ground with concrete. The post holder is 22 inches deep and is sized to be slightly larger than the wood post at the open top. The post is inserted into the post holder, held in a vertical position while dry sand is poured into the small space between the post and the Phoenix I post-holder. Simple locking shims and caulking is applied to finish off the installation.


This design has been in service for several years and has been proven to maintain a solid installation with no post movement. The post installation with the Phoenix I post holder is as solid as if it had been installed directly into the concrete. The key feature and primary utility of this product is how easy it is to extract the post remnants from the ground when the post needs to be removed to replace a decomposed, broken post or for any other reason. Instead of having to remove the old concrete stump from the ground (a difficult task), the Phoenix I post holder allows the old remnant of the post still in the ground (actually in the sand within the Phoenix I post holder), to be extracted vertically from the post holder with relatively small effort. The old sand is then removed and a new post installed.

Fence repair companies will charge you between $200 and $300 to repair a single post which will often include a steel bar pounded into the ground with a fence picket covering the bar leaving a different look than a simple, nice, new post. When you replace a post that was installed with the Phoenix post holder your total cost will be the cost of your new post ($14 – $29 depending upon the quality of post you choose to purchase) plus about $7 (10 cups of new dry sand - $1, new locking shims - $3.68, and ½ tube of caulking - $2.50) and you won’t need to mix and pour new concrete! That’s right, the entire job with a new wood post completed in less than 60 minutes and for about $25! Even if you have a fence repair company do the work, the total effort will still be substantially less costly than traditional repair methods.

Check out our installation guide & videos




Chad has a PhD in nuclear engineering. When he isn’t helping people realize there is a better way to install fence posts he enjoys basketball, gardening and spending time with his family.


Scott has an MS in mechanical engineering and has worked in the aerospace industry as a rocket scientist for 30+ years. He has also been replacing broken fence posts from his fence and others’ for the same 30+ years.